14 June 2007

National Flag Day

Ok, so maybe this is a stretch for a post. But I feel like I owe it to Flag Day to at least acknowledge its historical claims, since I've always poked fun at it as a sort of pseudo-holiday. In the United States, National Flag Day is celebrated on June 14, the day on which the flag of the United States was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1777. It wasn't until almost a century and a half later, in 1916, that June 14 was officially proclaimed Flag Day by Woodrow Wilson. An Act of Congress established National Flag Day in August of 1949. You can look up Title 36 Sec. 110 of the US Code to read the official statute on Flag Day.

If you are so moved by this holiday, you could visit Troy, New York, for the largest Flag Day parade in the country. Or, if you prefer to just read more about the history of the day, click here.


Sarah said...

You learn something new every day. Here's to Old Glory!

Anonymous said...

As an elementary school teacher I must say that Flag Day is a very important day of celebration. Not only are your lesson plans and activities taken care of for the day, but it gives you an excuse to dress in one of those patriotic outfits that only us teachers have. Flag Day is well marked on our calendars!