18 September 2007

Lord of the Dance

We checked out Celtic Fest in Grant Park this weekend to get in touch with our roots (and as you will see below, maybe a little too in touch). Saw some absolutely incredible fiddlers, Irish Step dancers, Highland dancers, and one of our very own. Not bad, eh?

(Make sure your sound is on. For some reason, the rotated version of this video no longer works, so if you haven't seen it yet, you'll have to crane your neck to get the full effect. Darn technology!)

For all who may be concerned, Andrew is known to "overexert" himself on such occasions, and after about half an hour, he finally recovered from his lightheadedness.


Sarah said...

This is CLASSIC Andrew Daigle and exactly what I was alluding to when I suggested you play your mandolin and he could prance around. Maybe next year he can get one of those head pieces with the fake curly hair that the little lassies wear.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! This is too much! I had the sound on...Charlotte came running over and said "Auntie Andrew", "What's he doing Mommy"? I really wasn't sure what to tell her. :) But I finally said "dancing", and she said "Dancing?" I said "yup, Uncle Andrew's version of dancing!" I love this post! Sarah is right...this is classic Andrew! Such fun! I am SO glad I checked the blog today! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Lordy, lordy, I was out of breath for him as I watched this!! I am sure the "hungry hippo" needed a multitude of snacks to replenish his energy.... and that of course was after he regained consciousness on the ground~!! I'm still LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

How much Guinness did he have? Scotch...? Classic Daigle.


Anonymous said...

I feel particularly blessed that this outbreak of "talent" did not occur when his brothers where present at our recent Labor Day party!! Can you imagine the insanity!!!!


The Process said...

I think my favorite part is Amy behind the camera saying "okay wrap it up"

Beautiful dancing, Andrew, brought me to tears : )

Anonymous said...

looked like part michael flatley and part curly howard..which festival will you be attending next, a German fest with a clog dance? can't wait to see that video! Keep it up Andrew, we loved it!